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- Submission accepted upto: May 10, 2022
Authors should kindly note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.
Following the submission guidelines, authors are requested to submit their manuscripts thorough online submission platform (www.jujm.org) and send a soft copy via e-mail at ([email protected]). Please also send a printed copy of manuscript to the editor mail.
All the manuscripts will be initially scrutinized by the editor and the editorial board based on their best judgments on the journal policy, scope, and guidelines. The selected paper will be sent to two reviewers.
The acceptance of the paper depends on the judgment of the reviewers. However, the editor and the editorial board will take final decisions for acceptance and publication. Authors will be informed the updated status of their manuscripts in time.
Before manuscript submission, please read the Submission Guideline carefully; doing so will ensure that the publication of your manuscript is as rapid and efficient as possible. Manuscripts will not be considered for review and publication if it fails to follow the following guidelines.
1. The author(s) must confirm that:
- The manuscript is original.
- The similarity index must be less than 20% percent (please attach the similarity report)
- The manuscript has neither been published before nor is under consideration by another publisher.
- There is no conflict of interest or any plagiarism issues.
2. Font: Times New Roman, size-12, single line space.
3. Margins: Left 1.5″; Right, Bottom, and Top 1″,
4. Language and Word limit: Manuscripts must be written in English and should not exceed 6000 words (including the references) for a full-length article. Research note should be within 3000 words.
5. Title Page: Must include-
- The full title of the manuscript which should not be more than 12 words (in bold fonts).
- Author(s) full name and current affiliation, complete postal address, and e-mail address. The corresponding author must be indicated, and all communication should be made by her/him.
- A word count for the paper.
6. Manuscript: Manuscripts should be in the following order - Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, the main body of the paper (headed by appropriate headings and subheadings such as Literature Review, Conceptual Framework, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References. The manuscript must not include any material that reveals the identity of the author (s) .
7. Abstract: Should be concise and factual. The maximum word limit for the abstract is 250. The authors must supply
a structured abstract in their submission, set out under 4-7 sub-headings
• Purpose (mandatory)
• Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)
• Findings (mandatory)
• Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
• Practical implications (if applicable)
• Social implications (if applicable)
• Originality/value (mandatory)
8. Keywords: A maximum of six keywords.
9. Headings and Sub-headings: Headings must be concise and thematically appropriate. Headings should be in bold, and the subheadings should be in bold italics. Sections and subsections should be numbered appropriately.
1. Heading
1.1. Sub-Heading
1.1.1. Sub-Heading
10. Tables and figures: Should be numbered and titled consistently. Font size for the table should be from 10-12 as appropriate. The title of the table should be at the top of the table, and the title of the figure should be at the bott om of the figure. Figure(s) should be high quality (preferably JPEG format) and clearly visible. Both the table(s) and figure (s) must be placed at the most appropriate position within the main body of the manuscript.
11. Acknowledgement: If any should be included after the conclusion.
12. References: Should consistently follow the APA style for the in-text citations and for the reference list.
13. Plagiarism: Authors are expected to submit original content to JUJM publications. The authors have to sign a consent form that the paper is original and the authors will be solely responsible for the issue of plagiarism before publication
Thank You !!!